The recovery for components starts from appliances


The trade association SEMI, which groups the producers of machines for the manufacturing of semiconductors, is optimistic about the next future. While 2013 will end for these machines with a downturn of world sales by 1.7%, 2014 will be not only the year of the trend inversion but much more. According to the orders already in portfolio, the market of these appliances will grow by 21%, reaching a global value of around 44 billion dollars. The exceptional growth is due to the boom of tablets and of smartphones. The regions in which the demand for machinery is higher are first of allChina, whose consumption will increase by 81% in 2014,South Korea, with the 30% rise, andJapan.Europein its turn will live a growth in this ambit by at least 50% versus 2013. Naturally, the new development of productive machinery induces to foresee similar future growths for products.