IRHMA brings together in Brussels representatives of household appliance manufacturer associations


As key product policy stakeholders from across the world gather in Brussels for the European Union’s “Products Policy – International Trends in Ecodesign and Energy Labelling” conference, the founding members of IRHMA (the International Roundtable of Household Appliance Manufacturer Associations) organize on 19th February 2014 an evening panel cocktail discussion during which some of the key challenges facing the global household appliance industry, regarding appliances, will be outlined. The speakers will be: Paul Hodson (Head of Unit Energy Efficiency and Intelligent Energy, European Commission, DG Energy), Paolo Falcioni (Director General, CECED-European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers), Stephane Arditi (Senior Policy Officer – Waste and Products, The European Environmental Bureau) and Stephen Russell (Secretary General, ANEC – The European consumer voice in standardisation). Besides, IRHMA will launch its activities on 18th February 2014 with its inaugural meeting in Brussels at CECED’s Headquarters.