Accessories for refrigerators and freezers, Active and passive liquid crystal displays and screens, Assembling and finishing, Brushless motors, Burners and related accessories, Cable joints, Calibration systems and instruments, Coils, Components for gas equipment and combustion systems, Components for irons and microwave ovens, Compressors, motor compressors and related components, Condensers and evaporators, Contactors and bimetal discs, Crystal/glass parts for household appliances, Dashboards, Design and engineering, Electrical capacitors, Electrical components, Electrical differential circuits, Electrical windings for transformers, Electromechanical systems, Electronic cards, Electrovalves, Equipment for electrical and functional tests, Exhaust pumps and accessories for spin-dryers, washing machines, dish-washers, Feeders, accumulators, batteries and cells, Filters, Floats, Gear motors, Grids and baskets, Heating elements, components and accessories, Heating plates, Heating systems, Injectors, Integrated circuits, Irons for ironing systems, Lighting systems, lamps, Locks and electrical locks, Metal wire and stainless steel items, Metallic materials, Microcontrollers and microprocessors, Motors, Plastic and rubber items, Plastic materials and resins, Printed circuits, Production systems and assembly lines, Protection systems, protectors and thermal protectors, Relays, Resistances, resistors and thermoresistances, Safety devices and various components for gas, Selectors, Sensors and probes, Small metal and plastic products, Spare parts for household appliances, Springs, shock absorbers and elastic components, Stainless steel finished and semi-finished products, Steel items for hoods, Steel items for ovens, Steel or plastic parts for washing machines and dishwashers, Switches and microswitches, Systems and equipment for industrial automation, Terminals and thimbles, Thermal condensers, evaporators, steam and hot air generators, heat exchangers, Thermoelectric and magnetic units, Thermometers, Thermoregulators and thermoregulation equipment, Thermostats and thermocouples, Thermostats, chronothermostats and environment thermostats, Timers and programmers, Transformers and autotransformers, Various electromechanical components, Various pumps and micro-pumps, electro-pumps and accessories, Various thermal and metal wires, Waterstop systems, Welding systems, instruments and products, Welding: plants, equipments, tools and materials, Wiring and related accessories