Conference on the aesthetic evolution of the appliances


convegno eldom iedAnalysis of the operations for surface treatment and finishing for appliances: this is the theme of the conference “The aesthetics evolution of appliances in the 21th century”, that will be held on March 12th, 2015 at the European Institute of Design in Milan. Today design and aesthetics are two of the main variables pushing the consumer to buy these products. They play an increasingly important role in furnishing solutions. The conference will examine the theme of finishing for appliances in two separated sessions: the first one will focus on the technological side, the second one on design and colour trends. Guest speakers and leading companies supplying products and technologies for surface treatment and finishing make this conference a one-of-a-kind event for Italian and international professionals in the field of the appliances and their components. Sponsors and associations will have an exhibition desk to show samples, information materials, colour trends and special effects where they will be able to interact with the public and create business contacts. The conference is organized under the patronage of Ceced Italia (Italian Association of Manufacturers of Domestic and Professional Appliances), CISP (Italian Centre for Porcelain Enamel) and Gruppo del Colore (Italian Colour Association). For more information, please contact Paola Giraldo: phone +39 0362 503215,