Philips: new brand line “innovation and you”


Royal Philips presented its new brand positioning, which builds on the company’s heritage of creating innovations that matter to people. As part of its new positioning Philips introduced the new brand line “innovation and you”, which is rooted in Philips’ strong belief that innovation is only meaningful if it delivers on people’s unmet needs and desires. At the same time the company presented a new design of its well-known shield on the facade of the company’s headquarters in Amsterdam. “Innovation has been in our DNA since we introduced our first light bulb more than hundred twenty years ago”, said Philips Chief Executive Officer Frans van Houten. “We believe that the new brand positioning much better reflects Philips’ mission to improve people’s lives through meaningful innovation. As a technology company, our commitment is to deliver innovation that will drive our future growth and matters to people. Philips also presented the new design of its shield, a globally known visual icon first used in 1934. The re-designed shield will play an important role in the new identity system, as brands increasingly require emotional icons as part of their identity system. The re-designed shield continues to carry its familiar elements, though now updated to reflect a 21st century design, which is better suited for digital media and mobile channels.